This is the English version of the "Motto Iketai Shoka". Recommended to intermediate-level students.
Note: Chinese version (item code: 10249300) and Japanese version (item code: 10248700) are available too.
Describing about various types of denka and henkakei.

Shoka using foreign species.

- Basic Shoka
- Shoka Gokajo (Five Traditional Articles)
- Shichishuden (Seven Special teachings)
- Henkakei (Special Floral Patterns)
- Shoka Betsuden (Special Shoka Teachings)
- Iris Leavigata
- Other ways to Create Shoka shogutai
- shoka shimputai
- Afterword
- Floral Material Index
Product details
Publisher : Nihon Kadosha Co., Ltd
Language : English
Size : B5
Page : 164 pages