KARAKU Redesigned

We have redesigned website.

On this occasion, we are happy to give all the overseas customers the following discount coupon code for any vases with the price of JPY 5,000 or more, for the next shopping.

coupon code: 9REE83WBRFQA

To apply the discount, be sure to enter this code at the time of the payment process. This discount coupon code is valid until September 30, 2021.

With this redesign, some functions (payment & shipping) are changed. For the details, please refer the Shopping Guide;
See ⇒ Shopping Guide

Please bookmark this website again, because we have the new URL. The old website cannot be accessed from this day on. We ask your understanding.
new: https://ikebanatool.com/
old: https://www.kadosha.co.jp/en/

In the future, Chinese (traditional character) is scheduled to be added for expression in this website (can be switched from / to English). The specific date is undecided.