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Free Style -More the vases, More the changes-
Learn the way of expression by comparing the work using a vase and several vases.
How can you arrange the flowers? -natural impression vs non-natural impression-
Anything can be a vase! -tips to use daily items as a vase-
Shoka -Beauty of Foam, Beauty of Appearance-
Learn the difference of expression by comparing Shoka Shofutai Sanshuike and Shoka Shimputai using the same materials.
Shoka Shofutai of the season -how to add Nejime-
The work of Shu, Yo, and Ashirai
Rikka -The path to improve Rikka-
Practical tips which will help you arranging Rikka.
Connection of flow of leaves
Language: Japanese
Publisher: Nihon Kadosha
Publisher: Nihon Kadosha
Shoka Shimputai Issuike and Nishuike
Lean Issuike and Nishuike of Shoka Shimputai which the style normally people tend to choose to arrange as Sanshuike.
Lean Issuike and Nishuike of Shoka Shimputai which the style normally people tend to choose to arrange as Sanshuike.
Description of Ikenobo Rikka
New series by Professor Takashi Moribe focusing on “Rikka Jyukyu-kajyo”.
Language: Japanese
New series by Professor Takashi Moribe focusing on “Rikka Jyukyu-kajyo”.
Language: Japanese
*also including some article written in English.
Publisher: Nihon Kadosha